Quality Assurance
Association of Hearing Instrument Practitioners of Ontario
Standards of Practice
To ensure high standards of equipment and techniques in the testing of hearing, selection and fitting of hearing instruments and associated devices, and where the practice includes it, in the removal of cerumen from the external ear canal as per section 9.1.3 of the Association By-Laws.
1.0 Purpose of Policy
1.1 Maintenance of high standards by all members is in the best interest of the hard of hearing and the profession.
1.2 These standards are the minimally acceptable level of standards with respect to equipment, testing of hearing, selection and fitting of hearing instruments and associated devices.
2.0 Scope of Practice
2.1 Members must practice within the limit of their competence as determined by their education, training and professional experience.
2.2 The Scope of Practice of the Hearing Instrument Specialist H.I.S. and Hearing Instrument Dispenser H.I.D. is outlined within the Association By-Laws, Articles 3.1.1 and 3.1.2.
2.3 Members must make appropriate referrals to other healthcare individuals when encountering procedures that exceed their limits of competence or scope of practice.
2.4 “Must” statements establish standards that members must always follow.
2.5 Members may exercise professional judgement, taking into account the environment(s) and their patients’/clients’ needs when considering deviating from the guidelines. The reason(s) why guidelines were not followed must be recorded.
2.6 A “Contraindication” is a specific situation in which a procedure cannot be performed because it may have a negative effect or cause harm to the patient/client.
3.0 Restrictive Activities (Prescription)
3.1 Members will not violate any law, rule or regulation applicable to the provision of hearing instruments and associated devices.
3.2 As per section #31 (Dispensing Hearing Aids) of the Regulated Health Professions Act 1991 S.O. 1991, c. 18. “No person shall dispense a hearing aid for a hearing impaired person except under a prescription by a member authorized by a health profession Act to prescribe a hearing aid for a hearing impaired person.” Prescription of a hearing aid is an authorized act under the Medicine Act, 1991 S.O. 1991, c.30 and the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Act, 1991, S.O. 1991, c.19.
4.0 Referral to Physician
4.1 The patient/client must be referred to a physician for medical clearance as per Ontario Medical Association – Red Flag List (See Appendix A).
5.0 Insurance
5.1 Members must ensure they carry Professional Liability Insurance for a minimum of $2,000,000.
5.2 A copy of Certificate of Insurance must be submitted to the AHIP office with the completed membership renewal application by the 31st of December of each year.
6.0 Equipment Requirements
6.1 Hearing Instrument Dispenser H.I.D. required equipment:
- High resolution otoscope
- Programming interface.
- Electro-acoustic hearing instrument analyzer
6.2 Hearing Instrument Specialist H.I.S. required equipment:
- High resolution otoscope
- Programming interface.
- Electro-acoustic hearing instrument analyzer
- Sound attenuation booth
- A diagnostic audiometer with air conduction, bone conduction, narrow band masking noise, speech audiometry and speech masking noise capabilities that utilize insert and/or TDH style transducers.
- Full range acoustic immittance measurement system for tympanometry and acoustic reflex measures
- Real ear measurement system
6.3 All equipment that is not self-calibrating must be calibrated annually in accordance with current ANSI standards. Equipment must be in proper working order at all times.
6.4 A copy of current calibration certificate must be submitted to the AHIP office upon request.
7.0 Testing Environment
7.1 The testing environment must meet one of the following requirements:
- Within a sound attenuation booth
- Outside a sound attenuation booth
7.2 When testing outside a sound attenuation booth, every effort must be made to ensure the ambient noise level in the room does not exceed 40dB SPL. Use of a sound level meter is recommended to determine the noise level in the room. The acoustic characteristics of the room must be recorded on the audiogram form.
8.0 Assessment Protocol
8.1 A complete hearing assessment must include the following components (See Appendix B), unless contraindicated.
- Case History
- Otoscopy
- Impedance Audiometry (Acoustic Immittance):
- Tympanometry
- Acoustic Reflex
- Pure Tone Audiometry:
- Air Conduction Testing (AC)
- Bone Conduction Testing (BC) as necessary
- Speech Audiometry:
- Most Comfortable Level (MCL)
- Speech Reception Threshold (SRT)
- Speech Awareness Threshold (SAT)
Test will be performed when SRT may not be obtained - Word Recognition Scores (WRS)
- Speech-In-Noise (SIN) as necessary
- Loudness Discomfort Level (LDL)
- Masking as necessary
- Tinnitus:
- Assessment
- Counselling
- Follow up care
9.0 Recording Test Results
9.1 The results of each hearing assessment must be recorded on the audiogram form.
9.2 Symbols used to record air conduction, bone conduction and masking thresholds must be noted in a key on the audiogram form.
9.3 All audiogram symbols must conform to current ASHA standards (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 1990)1.
10.0 Selection and Fitting of Hearing Instruments and Assistive Listening Devices
10.1 Selection and fitting of hearing instrument(s) must be in accordance with the following, unless contraindicated.
- Complete hearing assessment
- A new hearing assessment must be completed if more than six (6) months has elapsed since the last hearing assessment
- In situations where it is not possible to have a new hearing assessment completed, the reasons must be recorded.
- Ear Impression as necessary
- Programming of the hearing instrument(s)
- Instruction and counseling for the proper use and care of the hearing instrument(s) and/or assistive listening device(s)
- Verification of the benefit of the hearing instrument(s)
- In all cases where a patient/client is fitted with the hearing instrument(s), the Member must allow the patient/client a minimum thirty (30) day trial period
- Maintain an ongoing follow-up service to encourage the continued use of the hearing instrument(s) and/or assistive listening device(s)
- Repairs and maintenance of the hearing instrument(s), assistive listening device(s) and accessories
11.0 Ear Impression
11.1 Ear impressions are taken to fabricate products for amplification and hearing/ear protection.
11.2 Hearing Instrument Specialist H.I.S. and Hearing Instrument Dispenser H.I.D. are ethically responsible to ensure they are competent in ear impression taking and to keep their patient/client safe during the procedure.
11.3 The ear canal must be examined with an otoscope prior to taking an ear impression and after the removal of the ear impression.
11.4 Infection control must be followed to ensure the health and safety of the patient/client and Member. Infection control procedures include but are not limited to: hand washing, waste management and criteria for disinfection and sterilization. Refer to 5.01 Ear impression procedures in Infection Control Policy.
11.5 Equipment requirements:
- Otoscope with speculum
- Earlight with removable tip
- Otoblock with thread
- Syringe or impression gun
- Impression material
11.6 Contraindications, subject to medical clearance:
- Impacted or excessive cerumen in the ear canal
- A foreign body in the ear canal
- External and/or middle ear condition
12.0 Fitting Verification
12.1 Verification procedures are an essential component of successful hearing instrument fittings.
12.2 Hearing aid recommendations must be verified to ensure appropriate amplification, unless contraindicated.
12.3 Real Ear Measurements (REMs), also known as probe microphone measures, are the preferred method, specifically in situ REM using probe tubes rather than coupler measures.
12.4 Real Ear Measurement measures the performance of a hearing instrument in the patient’s/client’s ear to ensure sounds are audible, comfortable and tolerable across the frequencies of the patient’s/client’s reduced dynamic range.
12.5 The results must be recorded including patient’s/client’s name, date and hearing aid serial number(s).
13.0 Records
13.1 Records of all tests performed and/or subsequent follow-up services must be recorded.
13.2 All records relating to the services provided to the patient/client including the case history, audiogram, all results of testing including verification, referral information and follow-up services and dates will be kept on file for a minimum period of seven (7) years or ten (10) years past the 18th birthday of a minor.
14.0 Clinical Placements and Internship
14.1 Students completing clinical placement or graduates completing the Hearing Instrument Specialist H.I.S. Internship Program will only complete those tasks that are geared to their level of competence under the supervision of a Hearing Instrument Practitioner, Member in good standing of AHIP or an Audiologist, in good standing registered under CASLPO.
14.2 All students on clinical placement must be covered under the respective educational institution Professional Liability Insurance.
14.3 All Interns must have Professional Liability Insurance coverage.
15.0 Continuing Competencies
15.1 In order to maintain membership in the Association, a minimum of twelve (12) hours of AHIP approved, Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) must be obtained per calendar year as outlined within the Association By-Laws, Article 9.1.2 (ii).
Audiometric Symbols. (1990). Retrieved March 9, 2015, from http://www.asha.org/policy/GL1990-00006/
Association of Hearing Instrument Practitioners of Ontario
Infection Control Policy
1.0 Purpose of the Policy
Members of the Association of Hearing Instrument Practitioners of Ontario (AHIP) are aware of the need to disinfect the various hearing aid devices and related equipment they work with as a required task under current standards of practice. Since infection control is extremely important to the health and safety of both patients/clients and practitioners, the following document describes in detail, strategies for both the prevention of transmission of infectious disease and procedures for infection control in the hearing aid clinic.
These guidelines serve a number of purposes:
- Serve as a reference document for AHIP registered Hearing Instrument Practitioners in identifying appropriate procedures for infection control in the context of their practice
- Assist the AHIP registered Hearing Instrument Practitioner in his/her ongoing practice assessment
- Provide guidance for pursuing continuous learning
- Provide guidance for managing the hearing aid clinic in relation to infection control
- Assist in the development of college curricula and training relating to infection control
- Inform other stakeholders, i.e. other professions, clinic owners, regulators and the public on the infection control procedures considered advisable for the AHIP registered Hearing Instrument Practitioner
The Association of Hearing Instrument Practitioners of Ontario recommends these guidelines to its members as appropriate strategies to prevent infectious disease transmission in the hearing aid clinic. The control of infectious disease is an ongoing responsibility of the health care workers, and systems need to be in place to disinfect:
- All hearing aid work received by the clinic
- Work areas in the facility
- Laboratory equipment and accessory material
- All hearing aid work prepared for shipping
2.0 Guidelines Respecting Infection Control
Infection control involves taking steps to prevent the spread of infectious agents to you and your employees. Developing an effective and efficient infection control plan in the hearing aid clinic requires that you understand:
- How to prevent transmission of infectious diseases,
- Management, if exposure occurs, and
- Guidelines for your infection control plan.
3.0 Importance of Infection Control / Rationale
Every health professional has the responsibility towards the safety of all their patients/clients. They are responsible with creating and maintaining healthy and safe work environments. There is an abundance of direct patient care within a hearing aid clinic, and therefore patients/clients and clinicians are potentially exposed to an infectious environment.
There are many procedures commonly undertaken within the hearing aid clinic that are specific to hearing aids.
Specifically, these guidelines have been developed to assist Hearing Instrument Practitioners to meet professional standards and government regulations relating to infection control measures.
3.01 Standard Precautions
A special note must first be made concerning terminology. There are several terms used when referring to infection control in health care. These include “universal precautions”, “routine precautions”, and “standard precautions”.
The Laboratory Centre for Disease Control, Health Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control developed the strategy of Universal Precautions or guidelines on the prevention of transmission of blood borne pathogens in health care settings to prevent contact with patient blood and body fluids. In 1996, Centers for Disease Control expanded the concept and changed the term to Standard Precautions. Standard Precautions apply to contact with: 1) blood; 2) all body fluids, secretions, and excretions (except sweat), regardless of whether they contain blood; 3) non-intact skin; and 4) mucous membrane. |
The Standard Precautions contained within the Infection Control Policy for Hearing Instrument Practitioners of Ontario refers to protective and standard care steps to be used when Hearing Instrument Practitioners are in direct or indirect contact with all patients/clients. All patients/clients should be considered potential carriers of or susceptible hosts to infectious disease.
4.0 Independent Procedures
The following independent procedures follow the general protective and standard care steps outlined by the Standard Precautions. These independent procedures are commonly incorporated as sub-steps in the hearing aid specific procedures.
4.01 Personal Protection
a) Hand Hygiene
“In health care settings, adherence to hand hygiene recommendations is the single most important practice for preventing the transmission of pathogens in health care and directly contributes to patient safety.”
An acceptable hand hygiene procedure clearly indicates when and how hand hygiene should be executed. As described in the Best Practices for Hand Hygiene the four moments for hand hygiene in health care include;
- BEFORE initial patient/patient environment contact
- BEFORE aseptic procedures
- AFTER body fluid exposure risk
- AFTER patient/patient environment contact
There are two methods of killing/removing microorganisms on hands;
1) Hand sanitizing with a 70 – 90% alcohol based hand rub (ABHR) is the preferred method (when hands are not visibly soiled) for cleaning hands.
Using easily-accessible ABHR in health care settings takes less time than traditional hand washing and has been shown to be more effective than washing with soap (even when using an antimicrobial soap) and water when hands are not visibly soiled.
2) Hand washing with soap and running water must be performed when hands are visibly soiled.
The effectiveness of alcohol is inhibited by the presence of organic material. The mechanical action of washing, rinsing and drying is the most important contributor to the removal of transient bacteria that might be present.
Cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub Hand washing with soap and water
(Taken from “Just Clean Your Hands”, Ontario’s hand hygiene program for hospitals. Available online at: www.justcleanyourhands.ca)
b) Personal Barriers
Personal barriers include gloves, masks, eye protection, gowns, head covers and more. For the purpose of these guidelines gloves will be discussed in detail.
Common hearing aid procedures for which gloves should be worn.
Gloves should be worn in the hearing aid dispensing environment during procedures:
- where open wounds and/or blood is present
- involving handling of earmolds or hearing aids including, but not limited to, accepting earmolds or hearing aids from patients/clients, during cleaning or disinfecting stages of earmolds or hearing aids, during earmold or hearing aid modification procedures 3. involving removal or handling of earmold impressions
- involving cleaning or disinfecting other instruments contaminated with cerumen or other bodily substances
- requiring submersion or removal of instruments into or from cold sterilant
- where hands are likely to become contaminated with potentially infectious material including cerumen
4.02 Instruments and Surfaces
Differentiation of common terms utilized in infection control procedures
Cleaning: removal of gross contamination
Disinfecting: killing a percentage of germs
Sterilization: killing 100% of germs including endospores
a) Sterilization of Critical Instruments
Sterilants, by definition, must neutralize and destroy spores because if the spore is not killed, it may become vegetative again and cause disease.
Within a hearing aid clinic, reusable instruments that may contact cerumen and are intended to be used with multiple patients/clients should be sterilized, including curettes used for cerumen removal, immittance and otoacoustic emissions probe tips, reusable specula used for otoscopic examination, or tools used to clean hearing aid ports. Cold sterilization should be used within the hearing aid clinic environment. Cold sterilization involves soaking instruments in liquid chemicals for a specified number of hours. Items must be thoroughly cleaned for cold sterilization procedures. Sterilization of critical instruments will occur at the end of the day, in preparation for the next business day, to allow for appropriate soaking times according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Cerumen as Infectious Material
Cerumen is not an inherently infectious substance; however it may contain dried blood or mucus. If there is visible blood in or on cerumen, then that cerumen specimen is a potentially infectious substance and the instruments contacting it must be sterilized before and after contact. One difficulty is that the nature of cerumen makes it very difficult for a clinician to determine whether blood, particularly dried blood, is present. For this reason instruments should be sterilized after use when visibly contaminated with cerumen, ear drainage or blood.
b) Surface Disinfection
Patient-care rooms, hearing aid repair areas and reception counters should be disinfected regularly. Disinfectant spray can be used with paper towel as well as approved disinfectant towelettes. This should be done at the beginning of the day and immediately following patient/client appointments.
4.03 Waste
Infectious waste must be disposed of appropriately.
Appropriate disposal of infectious waste in a hear aid clinic
Regular Receptacle: Most waste contaminated with ear discharge or cerumen
Separate, Impermeable bag and then in regular receptacle: Waste contaminated with excessive cerumen or mucus
Impermeable bags labeled for biohazard waste: Materials containing significant amounts of blood (not anticipated in hearing aid clinics)
5.0 Hearing Aid Specific Procedures
Infection control is an important component of standard clinical practice. What dispensing professionals do in the hearing aid clinic and how procedures are performed influence patient/client outcomes and safety as well as, the overall health of all those involved. Recommendations for the most common procedures in the hearing aid clinic are provided in the following sections.
5.01 Ear impression procedures
Hands should be washed following standard hand hygiene guidelines. In the absence of visible open wounds or ear drainage proceed with insertion of otoblock and injection of impression material. As material sets prepare impression box and paperwork. Before removal, put on appropriate sized gloves. Immediately place impression in box with pre-folded paperwork. Remove gloves and close box. Disinfect patient-care surface.
5.02 Dispensing hearing aids
Handle newly-ordered hearing aids with gloved hands. Immediately before dispensing aid clean hearing aids with paper towel of disinfectant towelette. During the appointment, put on gloves prior to educating patient/client about proper techniques for insertion and removal of hearing aid. Disinfect patient-care surface.
5.03 Accepting hearing aids or earmolds from patients/clients
Accept hearing aid from patient/client with gloved hands. If patient/client removes aid before gloves are on, instruct the patient/client to place the aid on a paper towel of disinfecting towelette. Wear protective eye wear when cleaning hearing aid vents or other ports with a pick. Disinfect hearing aid with disinfectant towelette. Once finished handling hearing aid, clean any contaminated picks and probes, then sterilize. If visibly contaminated with cerumen sterilization is indicated. Disinfect patient-care surface.
5.04 Performing a hearing aid listening check
Pre-clean and disinfect hearing aid surface. Attach hearing aid to listening probe tip of hearing aid stethoscope. Once complete on one or both aids, clean and disinfect listening probe tip and earpieces of stethoscope. Disinfect patient-care surface.
5.05 Performing electroacoustic analysis of hearing aid
Pre-clean and disinfect hearing aid surface. Perform the analysis. Ensure that the coupler is cleaned and disinfected. Disinfect patient-care surface.
5.06 Performing real-ear measurements
Only perform in absence of visible open wounds or ear drainage. Be careful not to handle or touch the contaminated tube. Immediately discard disposable probe-tubes. For re-usable probe tubes, immediately clean and disinfect the contaminated probe-tube. Disinfect patient-care surface.
5.07 Earmold or hearing aid modification procedures
Pre-clean and disinfect the entire surface of the hearing aid. Prior to the use of grinding or buffing wheel;
- Put on a pair of safety glasses.
- Put on a mask to cover nose and mouth.
- Put on a pair of gloves.
- Position protective cover of grinding of buffing wheel to minimize exposure to particles from wheel or hearing aid.
Before re-inserting hearing aid into patient’s/client’s ear, disinfect the earmold or hearing aid with fresh disinfectant towelette. Disinfect patient-care surface.
Bankaitis, A.U. & Kemp, Robert J. (2003). Infection Control in the Hearing Aid Clinic. Missouri: Auban, Inc.
College of Dental Technologists of Ontario. (2005). Infection Control Guidelines for Registered Dental Technologists. Scarborough, ON.
American Academy of Audiology. (2003). Infection Control in Audiological Practice. Retrieved February 15, 2009, from http://www.audiology.org/resources/documentlibrary/Pages/InfectionControl.aspx
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care/Public Health Division/Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee (2009). Best Practices For Hand Hygiene: In All Health Care Settings (ISBN: 978-1-4249-5767-5). Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer For Ontario.
Health Canada. (1998). Canada Communicable Disease Report Supplement: Infection Control Guidelines: Hand Washing, Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization in Health Care (ISSN 1188-4169). Ottawa, ON: Document Dissemination Division at the Laboratory Centre for Disease Control, Health Canada.
Association of Hearing Instrument Practitioners of Ontario
COVID-19 – Return to Practice Guidelines
Ontario is currently in the midst of a global pandemic. The Corona Virus Disease – 2019 (COVID-19) is causing an outbreak of respiratory (lung) disease. The virus typically spreads through coughing and sneezing, personal contact with an infected person, or by touching contaminated surfaces or objects and then touching their face, mouth, nose or eyes. While the severity of this illness varies from person to person, most of those afflicted will experience mild symptoms and recover, however others will suffer with serious illness requiring hospital care. There are steps that can be taken to prevent the spread of infection.
This document will provide guidance and information to protect your employees and patients from COVID-19 in your clinic. These guidelines are predicated on and aligned with information provided by the Chief Medical Officer of Health, Public Health Ontario, Public Health Advisory of Canada, the federal and provincial governments and the World Health Organization. While some of this guidance may not apply to every practice, hearing healthcare professionals are expected to use their professional judgment in an ethical manner.
Guiding Principles
- Protecting health and safety is imperative and everyone’s right and obligation.
- Patient needs must be balanced with the risks of spreading COVID-19 and therefore treatment plans must prioritize care with the lowest risk of COVID-19 transmission.
- Wherever possible, physical distancing must be maintained throughout the clinic.
- Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) must be used for the safe delivery of hearing healthcare.
- Observe enhanced Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) standards and practices.
- Communication is vital particularly as it pertains to policies and practices related to COVID-19.
Protective Measures to Keep Everyone Safe
- Ensure that your clinic is clean and hygienic.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Clean your hands often, using soap and water or a alcohol-based (70%) hand sanitizer.
- Keep two metres distance from others.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Cover your cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue. Discard tissue immediately after use and wash your hands.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Personal protective equipment (PPE) or at a minimum a face mask or covering should be used, especially when you are unable to maintain a two metres distance from others.
- Avoid greetings such as handshaking or hugging/touching.
Policy for Employee Attendance
Employers must ensure that staff do not attend work if they are sick. Consider implementing strategies listed below.
- Implement telepractice/teleworking options as practical and if available.
- Stagger work shifts or allow flexible work hours and/or schedules.
- Should staff be taken ill with COVID-19, they must self-isolate for a period of 14 days.
- Provide flexible policies so staff may stay home to care for a sick family member, or if they must self-isolate because they have been in close contact with an individual with COVID-19.
Screen Staff for COVID-19 Symptoms before Work
It is suggested that clinics consider measuring temperature of their staff before each work shift. A no touch forehead thermometer is recommended. Refer to Appendix 1.
Keep Patients Safe
- Walk-in appointments should be discouraged.
- Conduct phone pre-screening and day of appointment screening. See Appendix 2.
- Minimize waiting room time. When scheduling appointments, allow extra time between patients in order to facilitate adequate cleaning and disinfecting of the treatment room.
- Reduce overcrowding. No visitor/companion in consultation, treatment room.
- Increase use of online or phone services.
- Consider curb side delivery.
- Make hand sanitizers available for patients and visitors at entry and exit locations.
- Be cognizant of continued privacy obligations as they pertain to telepractice/teleworking.
Screen all Patients and Visitors
Adopt the practice of taking the temperature of all individuals entering the clinic, including employees, vendors, patients and guests. A no touch forehead thermometer is recommended. Refer to Appendix 2 and Appendix 3.
Infection Control Practices and Procedures
All personnel must continue to observe infection prevention and control practices and procedures in the workplace, in order to prevent COVID-19 transmission. You may refer to AHIP’s Infection Control Policy, IPAC Canada or Public Health Ontario for further guidance.
Clean Hands Often
- Initial contact with a patient
- Putting on PPE
- Preparing or handling equipment
- Eating or drinking
- Contact with blood, secretions of a patient (i.e. earwax), even if gloves were worn ▪ Removing PPE such as gloves
- Contact with a patient
- Hands are visibly soiled
- Handling waste
- Cleaning contaminated and visibly soiled equipment (e.g. otoscope)
- Using the bathroom
Use and Provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Personal protective equipment refers to face masks, gloves and protective eyewear including face shields and safety glasses. The Ontario Government has developed an online PPE Supplier Directory and may be accessed at ontario.ca/ppe.
Clinic wear should be changed daily and only worn in the clinic. At a minimum, 3/4 sleeved clothing is strongly encouraged.
Cleaning and Disinfectants
Step up efforts to clean and disinfect high-touch areas (i.e. chairs, handles, tables, counters, etc.) more often than usual. Treatment Rooms must be cleaned and disinfected after each appointment taking care to wear appropriate PPE. For additional information you may refer to https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-health-products/disinfectants/covid19/list.html#tbl1
Engineering Controls/Workplace Controls
- Reposition workstations to increase physical distances.
- Install barriers, partitions and/or shields.
- Make hand hygiene supplies readily available and highly visible.
- Post signs of safety measures throughout your clinic including in the bathrooms.
- Increase ventilation rates in the clinic.
- Install high-efficiency air filters.
- Establish policies to limit number of employees and/or visitors within the clinic at any given time.
- Provide personal protective equipment to staff (and visitors) and provide training and education in the proper use of such protective wear.
- Discourage physical cash/currency payments and encourage payment by debit or credit card.
- Prohibit work gatherings.
- Permit breaks/meals outside the clinic for social distancing.
- Encourage virtual meetings.
- Discourage sharing of equipment and work spaces.
- Telework/telepractice whenever possible.
- Implement staggered work shifts.
- Limit the number of people in the clinic at any given time.
- Stay informed by monitoring the media, applicable government websites (as outlined in the Resources section of this document).
- Stay tuned for membership mailings from the AHIP Office.
- Share pertinent information.
- Establish a communication process in order to update staff and patients on changes to your clinic practices during COVID-19, as appropriate. Regular and timely communications are a good business practice and may allay fear, anxiety, rumours and misinformation.
- Educate staff on preventative measures to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. ▪ Display posters and information throughout the clinic. Refer to Resources Section for examples.
Staff Screening
Date |
Staff Name |
Temperature 37.8 C or greater |
Positive COVID-19 Screening? |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Patient Screening
Name of Patient: Prior to Appointment (date) Day of Appointment (date) |
1) Did you have close contact with anyone with acute respiratory illness or travelled outside of Ontario in the past 14 days? | Yes or No | Yes or No |
2) Do you have a confirmed case of COVID-19 or had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19? | Yes or No | Yes or No |
3) Do you have any of the following symptoms: ▪ Fever ▪ New onset of cough ▪ Worsening chronic cough ▪ Shortness of breath ▪ Sore throat ▪ Difficulty swallowing ▪ Decrease or loss of sense of taste of smell ▪ Chills ▪ Headaches ▪ Unexplained fatigue/malaise/muscle aches ▪ Nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain ▪ Pink eye ▪ Runny nose/nasal congestion without other known cause |
Yes or No | Yes or No |
4) If you are 70 years of age or older, are you experience any of the following symptoms: ▪ Delirium ▪ Unexplained or increased number of falls ▪ Acute functional decline, or worsening of chronic conditions |
Yes or No | Yes or No |
5) Do you have a temperature higher than 37.8 C? | Yes or No | Yes or No |
If the response is Yes to any of the questions, then patient be instructed to contact their family physician or Telehealth Ontario on 1.866.797.0000
Visitor Screening
Date |
Name |
Reason for Visit |
Temperature 37.8 C or greater |
Positive COVID-19 Screening? |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
Yes or No |
COVID-19 – Cover Your Cough – https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/97a9-COVID-19-CoverYourCough.pdf
Help Reduce the Spread of COVID-19 – https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/phac aspc/documents/services/publications/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/help-reduce-spread-covid 19/help-reduce-spread-covid-19-eng.pdf
How to safely put on and take off a mask – https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/epiwin/how-to-use-mask-v0-1-print.pdf?sfvrsn=64ba1493_2
How to Self Isolate – https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/factsheetcovid-19-how-to-self-isolate.pdf?la=en
Infection Prevention and Control Canada – Posters, Graphics, Videos – https://ipaccanada.org/posters-graphics-and-videos.php
Reduce the Spread of COVID-19: Wash Your Hands – https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/phacaspc/documents/services/publications/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/covid-19-handwashing/covid-19-handwashing-eng.pdf
Physical Distancing – https://www.publichealthontario.ca//media/documents/ncov/factsheet/factsheet-covid-19-guide-physical-distancing.pdf?la=en
Protect yourself – https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/900d-COVID-19-ProtectYourself.pdf
Recommended Steps: Putting On Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/ipac/ppe-recommended-steps
Public Health Ontario. (2020). https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/factsheet/factsheet-covid-19-hand-hygiene.pdf?la=en
Reduce the Spread of COVID-19: Wash Your Hands – https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/phac aspc/documents/services/publications/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/covid-19- handwashing/covid-19-handwashing-eng.pdf
Stop the Spread of Germs – CDC – https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/downloads/stop the-spread-of-germs.pdf
Ontario |
Government of Ontario: |
Sector-Specific resources to prevent COVID-19 in the workplace |
Public Health Ontario: |
IPAC Recommendations for Use of Personal Protective Equipment for Care of Individuals with Suspect or Confirmed COVID-19 | |
Health and Safety Ontario | Occupational Health and Safety Act | |
Ontario Human Rights Commission: |
Policy Statement on the COVID-19 Pandemic COVID-19 and Ontario’s Human Rights Code – Questions and Answers |
Toronto Public Health: |
COVID-19 Guidance for Workplaces / Businesses and Employers | |
Personal Protective Equipment |
Ontario.ca/ppe https://www.publichealthontario.ca/- /media/documents/ncov/ipac/report-covid-19-universal-mask use-health-care-settings.pdf?la=en |
Canada |
Government of Canada: |
Risk-informed decision-making guidelines for workplaces and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic Preventing COVID-19 in the workplace: Employers, employees and essential service workers Cleaning and disinfecting public spaces during COVID-19 Hard-surface disinfectants and hand sanitizers (COVID-19): List of hand sanitizers authorized by Health Canada Travel restrictions, exemptions and advice Laws and regulations protecting Canadians |
Chartered Professionals in Human Resources Canada. (2020). Coronovirus (COVID-19) Advice for Employers. retrieved from https://cphrbc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/COVID-19- Fact-Sheet-April-24update.pdf
College of Denturists of Ontario (2020). Guide for Return to Practice for Denturists Additional Infection and Prevention Control Precautions for Return to Practice During the COVID 19 Pandemic. retrieved from https://denturists-cdo.com/Resources/Regulatory Framework/Guidelines/Guide-for-Return-to-Practice-for-Denturists.aspx
College of Denturists of Ontario (2020). Guidelines Infection Prevention and Control in the Practice of Denturism. retrieved from https://denturists-cdo.com/Resources/Regulatory Framework/Guidelines/Guidelines-Infection-Prevention-and-Control-in-th.aspx
Government of Canada. (2020). COVID-19 pandemic guidance for the health care sector. retrieved from https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel coronavirus-infection/health-professionals/covid-19-pandemic-guidance-health-care sector.html
Hicks Morley. (2020). Ensuring a Successful Return to Work in a COVID-19 world. retrieved from https://hicksmorley.com/2020/05/20/ensuring-a-successful-return-to-work-in-a covid-19-world/
Infection Prevention and Control Canada. (2020). retrieved from https://ipac canada.org/coronavirus-resources.php
Ministry of Health. (2020). COVID-19 Guidance: Essential Workplaces. retrieved from http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/pro/programs/publichealth/coronavirus/docs/2019_ essential_workplaces_guidance.pdf
Osler. (2020). The Employer’s COVID-19 Return to the Workplace Playbook. retrieved from https://www.osler.com/en/resources/regulations/2020/the-employer-s-covid-19-return-to the-workplace-playbook
Province of Ontario. (2020). Resources to Prevent COVID-19 in the Workplace. retrieved from https://www.ontario.ca/page/resources-prevent-covid-19-workplace
Public Health Ontario. (2020). Cleaning and Disinfection for Public Settings – COVID-19. retrieved from https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/factsheet covid-19-environmental-cleaning.pdf?la=en
Public Health Ontario. (2020). How to Wash Your Hands – COVID-19. retrieved from https://www.publichealthontario.ca/en/diseases-and-conditions/infectious diseases/respiratory-diseases/novel-coronavirus/public-resources
Public Health Ontario. (2020). COVID-19 Public Resources. retrieved from https://www.publichealthontario.ca/en/diseases-and-conditions/infectious diseases/respiratory-diseases/novel-coronavirus/public-resources
Public Health Ontario. (2020). How to Self-Monitor – COVID-19. retrieved from https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/factsheet-covid-19-self monitor.pdf?la=en
WeirFoulds. (2020) https://www.weirfoulds.com/covid-19
World Health Organization. (2020). https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus#tab=tab_1
Association of Hearing Instrument Practitioners of Ontario
Guidance Document on Consent
Hearing healthcare practitioners have a legal and ethical obligation to obtain informed consent from a capable person prior to providing hearing healthcare treatment.
Consent is permission for something to happen. Consent may be express or implied. Express consent is clearly and noticeably stated, and may be written, verbal or in any other form (e.g. sign language). Implied consent is inferred from a person’s words or actions and the circumstances of a particular situation (or in some cases, by a person’s silence or inaction).
Informed consent must be obtained prior to hearing healthcare treatment. Informed consent means the person giving consent must receive all information that a reasonable person in the same circumstances would require in order to make a decision and the person must be provided with responses to any requests for additional information. The information must include the nature, expected benefits, material risks and material side effects of the treatment as well as alternative courses of action and the likely consequences of not having the treatment.
A person is capable of giving consent if s/he understands the information that is related to making a decision and appreciates the reasonably foreseeable consequences of a decision or a lack of a decision.
With respect to hearing healthcare, consent must be obtained from the patient for screening and assessment services as well as for treatments such as ear impressions and cerumen (earwax) removal. It should be noted that even if a consent form is signed, consent is not valid unless it can be demonstrated that the consent was related to the treatment, was informed, given voluntarily and not obtained through misrepresentation or fraud. Relevant findings and events related to consent must be recorded with diligence by the hearing healthcare practitioner.
Ontario’s Health Care Consent Act (HCCA)
The Ontario Health Care Consent Act (HCCA) enacted in 1996 provides the rules with respect to consent to treatment that is to be applied consistently throughout the Province. It also provides the means to facilitate the admission, treatment and compelled assistance required by persons who lack the capacity to make such decisions for themselves.
Consent Required for Treatment
Any treatment to be provided by a hearing healthcare practitioner requires the informed consent of the patient, or where they are incapable, from their substitute decision-maker.
The elements of informed consent are as follows:
- The consent must relate to the treatment.
- The consent must be informed.
- The consent must be given voluntarily.
- The consent must not be obtained through misrepresentation or fraud.
Capacity to Provide Consent
A hearing healthcare practitioner has the responsibility to assess a patient’s capacity. The capacity to provide consent can change over time and/or with respect to different treatments.
If the patient is incapable, a hearing healthcare practitioner requires the consent of the substitute decision-maker, which is determined by the following hierarchy:
- Guardian.
- Attorney for personal care.
- A representative appointed by the Consent and Capacity Board.
- Spouse or partner.
- Child or parent (custodial parent if child is minor) or children’s aid society. 6. Parent who has only a right of access.
- Brother or sibling.
- Other relative.
- Public Guardian and Trustee.
A substitute decision-maker must be capable; at least 16 years old (unless parent of person); not be prohibited by a court order or separation agreement from having access to the person or giving or refusing consent on the person’s behalf; be available and willing to make the decision; and act in accordance with the person’s last capable wishes or in the person’s best interests.
Protection from Liability
When a hearing healthcare practitioner acts in good faith, then s/he is not liable if:
- A service is administered after consent was given;
- A service is not administered because consent was refused; or
- A service is withheld or withdrawn according to a treatment plan that the person has consented to.
The following considerations are general and should not be taken as all-inclusive.
- Every patient has the legal right to refuse care and treatment.
- It may not be assumed that a person who seeks advice is automatically consenting to the procedure being advised.
- The signing of a consent to treatment document is not by itself considered by the law as a valid consent unless the various elements required for the process of obtaining a valid informed consent have been fulfilled.
- A patient or someone on behalf of a patient should never be told that the signing of a consent form is a “mere formality”.
- Consent is an ongoing process. A consent previously given may be withdrawn at any time up to and including immediately prior to or during treatment.
- The procedure which is performed must match that to which the patient consented.
- Extra care must be taken with a person who is hearing impaired.
- It may not be assumed that a person who is mentally challenged cannot consent to anything.
- It may not be assumed that a person under the age of majority cannot consent. Capacity to consent depends on a person’s ability to understand the situation and the proposed treatment.
- It may not be assumed that a person who presents his/herself as representing a patient has the legal authority to consent on behalf of the patient.
- It may not be assumed that people who say they understand English or who say they understand what they are being told do actually understand.
- It may not be assumed that a person who is given something to read is literate to the level required to understand the written material that is presented.
- Consent must always be obtained before the procedure takes place and never afterwards.
- Caution must be exercised in having someone other than the actual person providing care obtain the consent, since it is the hearing healthcare practitioner who will best be able to advise the patient on what is to occur and the other salient information.
The following considerations are general and should not be taken as all-inclusive. Moreover, depending on the circumstances, they may not always be appropriate.
- Do not obtain a person’s signature until the consent process has been completed.
- Do not obtain consent from a person who is under the influence of medication or other substances that might affect the mental ability of the person to make a decision regarding treatment.
- Document relevant observations. If the person providing consent is medicated, it would be prudent to make a note that there is “no mental impairment evidenced” as appropriate.
- Fill blanks in block letters that are clearly legible.
- Make certain that the consent form is complete and accurate before the person signs it.
- Have the consent form signed before the procedure is commenced.
- Do not have the person sign the consent form just before the procedure, since this may be seen as putting pressure on the person to sign. Give the person adequate time for consideration, to ask questions and to receive additional information as needed.
- If the person has any questions after the consent form is signed, delay the procedure until the questions are answered.
- Do not use terms in the consent form that the person does not understand.
- Do not make any additions, deletions or alterations to the consent form after the person signs it.
- Make certain that the consent form clearly sets out which aspects of the procedure is being consented to or refused.
- Have the person who is in charge of the procedure obtain the signed consent form so that if any questions arise, accurate answers may be given.
Date: __________________________
Patient Name: __________________________
Date of Birth: __________________________
I hereby authorize and give “NAME OF CLINIC” and whomever they may designate, permission to take ear impressions on my ear(s) for the purpose of making hearing aids, shells for custom hearing aids, or for ear plugs.
I understand that among possible risks, there is the potential during the insertion of the impression material to seep around the cotton/foam block and possibly come into contact with my eardrum. Should this occur, the impression material could be more difficult to remove than normal and may necessitate the removal by a physician. If impression material were to come into contact with the eardrum, it is possible for permanent ear damage to occur. Additionally, there is always a rare risk of possible perforation of the eardrum during the ear impression process. Should the eardrum be perforated, there is a risk of permanent hearing loss.
I understand that temporary conditions, though unlikely, may occur such as itching of the ear canal, tenderness or aching of the ear canal, hematoma (blood clot) of the ear canal or eardrum, bleeding of the ear canal and/or a conductive hearing loss.
If I decide I do not want to have ear impressions taken, I may stop the procedure at any time.
Patient or Substitute Decision-Maker Signature: _______________________ Date: ________________
Practitioner Signature: ___________________________________________ Date:_________________
Date: __________________________
Patient Name: __________________________
Date of Birth: __________________________
Your hearing healthcare practitioner has decided that it would be best to remove ear wax from your ear canal. Removing ear wax is a procedure that should only be undertaken by a professional. It is not without risk. Every precaution possible will be taken to avoid discomfort or adverse results. Complications and side effects of cerumen (earwax) removal are rare and may include:
Cerumen remains: If your hearing health professional is unable to remove the cerumen, you will be directed to see your primary care provider or otolaryngologist (ENT) for further treatment.
Discomfort: Some people may feel mild to moderate discomfort, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and/or stress or anxiety related to participation in the procedure.
Injury to the ear canal: Abrasions to the ear canal may occur during cerumen removal. Some bleeding may occur during the procedure. Bleeding is usually slight and resolves on its own.
Medication: I agree to inform the hearing health professional of any blood thinning or other medications I am currently taking.
If I decide I do not want to have my wax removed at any time, I may stop the procedure.
I have been informed of my condition and consent is hereby voluntarily given for cerumen (earwax) removal.
Patient or Substitute Decision-Maker Signature: _______________________ Date: ________________
Practitioner Signature: ___________________________________________ Date:_________________