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Coping strategies for emotional impact of hearing loss

Coping strategies for emotional impact of hearing loss

Hearing loss coping strategies say downhill is the new uphill We've all heard it before: no pain – no gain; can't have a rainbow with no rain; pain is the fuel to your fame etc., etc. Great news: We’re proud to say your hearing health journey may be one of the few...

Sudden Deafness: when untreated hearing loss gets into overtime

Sudden Deafness: when untreated hearing loss gets into overtime

As members of the hearing instrument practitioner association, you've likely heard of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSHL). This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as Sudden Deafness or Idiopathic Deafness, but if none of these sound familiar, consider yourself...

Breaking through the noise: Advances in tinnitus treatment

Breaking through the noise: Advances in tinnitus treatment

If a person’s hearing feels light on the hear and heavy on the ring, they may have an issue with tinnitus. Tinnitus is a symptom rather than a disease, with many possible causes like excess sound exposure, head injury, ageing etc. More generally, however, tinnitus is...

Breakdown barriers, not eardrums: How to remove ear wax safely

Breakdown barriers, not eardrums: How to remove ear wax safely

Contrary to standard parental guidance, when a blockage is impairing a patient's hearing – the answer does not involve digging out the ear. In fact, when done properly and safely, there should be no digging involved at all. Ears are cute and wrinkly (and responsible...

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