Order up for customized hearing care With a comparable degree of hair-splitting importance to seeing your personal needs met in your morning coffee order from your go-to barista, customized hearing solutions have profound power in elevating a patient's treatment plan...
Signal Blog
Healthy hearing’s understated understudy: How assistive listening devices enhance the hearing experience
Break a leg – not the soundtrack When your ears go on strike, the script flatlines, and the curtain between you and the world protests opening, Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) say the show must go on! Just like a well-directed movie relies on the seamless...
Satisfaction guaranteed: Strategies for successful hearing aid fittings
Step to the beat of this smooth operation If you're a Hearing Instrument Specialist, you're no stranger to the magic of transforming someone's world through better hearing. But, like any fine-tuned performance, it requires a blend of expertise, precision, and a dash...
Learn the ropes to tackle the tropes of hearing loss: A guide on how to advocate for yourself as a person with hearing loss
G(ear) up for change! With the impact and presence of a professional ninja, hearing loss is an invisible challenge that millions worldwide are quietly battling. Whether you joined the club fashionably late or are a lifelong cardholder, we're here to tell you that...
The calm before the storm: Exploring the link between untreated hearing loss and cognitive decline
O captain! My captain! Rise up and hear the bells Think of life as a row boat with our senses as the oarsmen moving our experiences forward. Between patients and health practitioners, it is our duty to fulfill the role of the coxswain by monitoring the team's...
Coping strategies for emotional impact of hearing loss
Hearing loss coping strategies say downhill is the new uphill We've all heard it before: no pain – no gain; can't have a rainbow with no rain; pain is the fuel to your fame etc., etc. Great news: We’re proud to say your hearing health journey may be one of the few...
The latest advancements in hearing aid technology: What practitioners need to know
Translating hearing aid technology Like a puppeteer tilting the strings, the rat under the chef's hat, or an angel on the shoulder, hearing aids are the backbone of the plot by helping the patient maintain their main character role. That's why staying current on these...
Take home the trophy: Tips for effective counselling and communication with hearing aid users
Huddle up for hearing aid users When counselling hearing aid users, approach the appointment like a game of football, substituting the 48-player roster for a two-person tag team. All professional football games require teamwork, a strategy, and an objective....
Overcoming communication challenges related to hearing loss: Strategies and tools
Make the gibberish conspicuous Like the millennial-gem of nostalgia that is Pingu, a speaker without a toolbox of communication skills never graduates from an audience of laughing children. We already subconsciously use strategies to facilitate effective...
The importance of regular hearing assessments: Educating patients on preventive care
Ring the alarm – hear it and answer it For some patients, hearing test appointments are like that first alarm you never get out of bed for. It nags them routinely, but it never makes it far past the back of their mind. As hearing instrument practitioners, it’s our job...
Understanding different types of hearing loss and their treatments
Ears look like 3s for a reason Think of your ears like the wardrobe to Narnia – there's an entrance, a middle, and an exit that bridges the real world to the intangible. The rule of threes is prevalent throughout learning how our ears operate and how hearing loss...
Hearing loss and dementia: The toxic power couple of the HIP community
Hearing loss and dementia pair like your partner and talking through your favourite movie. As in, the two occurrences are by no means unheard-of, yet so few are aware of the issue's intrinsic connection to its counterpart – especially in the moment. Thankfully, in...

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